Sunday, April 17, 2011

You want the good news or the bad news?

Okay, first the bad news.  It's very probable that I won't be posting here as much in the next few weeks.  That is a direct result of my good news, and that is that I'm actually going to be gaming again.  I've been on a hiatus now for close to three years, which started because of the birth of my son and continued because I could never be bothered to get my group together again.  But we've finally managed to organize ourselves, and it looks like I'll have a regular monthly game starting in May.  Huzzah!


  1. Congrats and good gaming! Looking forward to your session summary reports.

  2. As much as what, rarely? ;)
    But seriously, congrats! I hope you have a good time! :D

  3. Hey, come on! I've been averaging about one a week. A this rate I'm going to finish the Monster Manual some time in 2012.

  4. I find I blog more when I game more, because I have more to talk about.
